My wise Aunt suggested writing down the cute little things about our babies. She said, "You think you'll remember but you won't" which made me sad! Haha. So here begins our first baby's record.
Already trying to hold his head up at the hospital
Up and eating about every 2 hours
Loves taking naps in his swing
Hates laying flat on his back
Loves lights and dad's singing
Up about every three hours :)
Cries when mom sings :(
Two months old
Went on his first beach vacation to Longboat Key to meet his great grandparents!
Loves ceiling fans
Really holding his head up now but hates tummy time
Discovering all the cool sounds he can make
Starting to roll over!
Loves his hands and feet
Holding his head up and rolling from back to front like a champ
Gets frustrated when he is stuck on his tummy :(
New shrieking sound discovered
First trip to Garden City Beach and Destin- busy month!
Five months old
First tooth popped through bottom gums
First word- "mamama" (only when he is upset though!)
Loves music, jumping and the cat
Hates when mom or dad leave the room
Now rolling from front to back
Starting to sit up
Cousin Benjamin arrived!
Six months old
Sitting up like a champ!
Doing baby led weaning and eating regular food with mom and dad everyday
Says "Da da"
Started crawling
We have a crawling maniac
Constantly saying "ga"... Not sure what this means :)
Pulls himself up from crawling to sitting
Trying to pull himself up to standing... Yikes
And he's standing... Pulling himself up on anything and everything
Crawling faster than we can walk :)
Thinks mom and dad are hilarious
Favorite word currently "dadadada"
First top tooth!
Second ear infection and second top tooth :( Growing up is tough.
Cousin Quentin arrived!
Loves, loves, loves Tucker the cat
Ten months old
First Christmas! Pictured with his gift from Santa.
Getting more teeth
All over the place!
Becoming more fun and more personable everyday
Eleven months
Starting to walk at the beginning of the month
Can walk across the living room by the end of the month!
Got his 8th tooth right before his birthday
Constantly says "more" and "all done" using sign language
Loves to close all the doors in the house
One Year Old!!!
I now understand all of those people that said, "It goes so fast!". We are amused by this little guy everyday and are so in love with him. We can't wait to see what the next year with him holds! We love you sooo much bud!
OMG. He's so cute. Love his hat ;) and his little bowtie outfit. His aunt has great taste. I need to do this with Q, but I'm behind already!