
Monday, March 3, 2014

GBCR Fosters

My sister introduced me to Good Buddies Canine Rescue in 2011. As soon as I purchased my own house and got settled, I began fostering. Some people think fostering would be "too hard" for them. Sometimes it is really hard to hand a dog over to their forever family after spending so much time with them, but it is A LOT harder to imagine not doing anything about all the little guys sitting in shelters.

Frankie (my first ever foster)- rescued from a rural shelter in Kentucky.

Adopted in 10 days to a couple who treats him like their child. They sent me updates and he is huge now!

Doc- had some of the best facial expressions. First dog to escape the crate and set off my house alarm while I was at school. That was fun to come home to that day :)

Adopted after a few months of fostering to a cute older couple. He now has his very own bedroom in the basement and run of the house and yard.

Ronnie- originally part of a liter my mom fostered. He was returned to GBCR and I took him on as a foster.

Adopted after fostering for six months to a family with two young boys and two other dogs. He now has a HUGE yard to play in!

Harper- I had this guy when I moved in with my husband. Harper, my dog Sam, and my husband's dog Coffee made for our first three dogs in the home situation. What a difference there is between two and three!

Harper was adopted to a great couple in Northern Cincinnati with another dog. He went to his furever home a couple days before we moved into our new house. Talk about timing!

Ruby- rescued from a rural shelter in Kentucky. When we took her to the vet, it was revealed her tail was so severely broken that it needed to be amputated. She was immediately labeled "special needs" because the vet couldn't guarantee that she would always have control of her bowel movements. Her tail had been broken so badly, she didn't have feeling in her rear.

Adopted after seven months of fostering by us and two months by my mom to a great couple in Northern Kentucky. She actually has a giant snake in a glass room for a brother! Another GBCR alum ran into Ruby and her people a few months ago. She looked great and was clearly being treated like their little baby!

Zeke- after a summer long break from fostering, we decided we were ready to foster again. Zeke's picture came across my email and I couldn't resist.

He was adopted after 10 days of fostering. His dog sibling is actually another GBCR dog- Ronnie's mom!

Good Buddies Canine Rescue dissolved in 2013 but I still remain in contact with some of the great girls from that group.

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